6 months mind
2014 January 30
Created by Wendy Hanson 10 years ago
Dear Vincent
It is 6 months since you left us. I find it hard to believe it is so many months when I can remember everything like it was yesterday. If I hear the phrase "time is a great healer" one more time....
Others forget, but I don't. I have good days, coping days. I also have bad days, dark days. I still come home expecting you to be there asking how my day went. Sharing the shenanigans of the office, telling you what we sang at choir, or asking how wet I got coming home on my bike. We had an amazing burns supper at work, I was all ready to rush home and tell you...
You would have been so proud and shared in my singing success. But I've been feeling guilty that I had that one good night without you and had to explain all that to my counsellor. Some people say that you wouldn't have wanted me to feel this way, to still be upset and missing you. But that's pants! You're not here, they have no idea how it feels and I'll feel rubbish if I want to, because that's the reality. She's good you know, a total rock. I wouldn't have got this far without her to talk to. Maybe one day I'll be as good a counsellor as she is?
I'm still running for you, to you. I've picked up a nasty injury, but I'm determined to run the marathon for you and for the Hospice. It's the least I can do to say thanks for giving you and me so much help and support those last 10 months. And even now, as I still benefit from their services.
Missing you every day.
God speed,
Love wen x